Putzu Idu

Putzu Idu

50 Km from Domo Achenza

The Putzu Idu area is the furthest to reach from Terralba among the beaches of the Oristano area, but you certainly won’t regret it and a visit to this place will be worth all the time it took to get there.

Putzu Idu beach is made up of very fine white sand and what makes it really special is the fact that on the one hand it is very large and extensive, on the other hand the water is really shallow for so many metres, therefore it is decidedly perfect for families and for those with small children who love to play in the water.

Here at sunset during the summer the “movida” begins with numerous kiosks that open to offer aperitifs and music.

To get to Putzu Idu you have to pass Oristano and head towards Cuglieri/Bosa, from the provincial road after several kilometers turn left towards Putzu Idu.